The FIAAA has four types of Members - Certified, Provisional, Associate and Lifetime Members.
Meetings of members are held quarterly, with a focus on issues relevant to the membership base. National issues are addressed through the FIAAA Executive Committee. Members are welcome to attend any of the branch meetings.
The Feed Ingredients and Additives Association of Australia (FIAAA) is the national peak industry organisation representing suppliers of feed ingredients and additives in Australia.
The FIAAA represents suppliers at all stages of production and supply to the feed manufacturing industry.
The FIAAA provides a unified voice and leadership. On behalf of members we work with governments, regulators and other stakeholders with similar recognition of the fundamental position of Feed Ingredients and Additives in the food chain.
The FIAAA undertakes to adopt, support and carry into effect any measures in the interests of the industry, and to initiate moves for the alteration of, addition to, or improvement in legislation for the benefit of the feed ingredients & additives industry
Certified Member
Any person, firm or company which is engaged in the manufacture, importation, export or distribution of feed ingredients and/or additives and is certified to FAMIqs standards.
Provisional Member
Any person, firm or company which is engaged in the manufacture, importation, export or distribution of feed ingredients and/or additives but is not yet certified to FAMIqs. Provisional Membership is limited to a maximum of 2 years from date of joining.
Associate Member
Any person, firm or company being customers or providers of trade services or of professions allied to or interested in the feed ingredients and/or additives industry. Associate members do not have voting rights.
Life Member
Any person who members agree at a general meeting has served the industry extensively over an extended period.
Benefits of Membership

Benefits of being a Certified/Provisional Member
Working with other ingredient and additive suppliers to improve the industry.
Opportunity to meet regularly with other ingredient and additive suppliers, feed millers and supply chain organisations to address common issues that you face.
Being a certified member means you can easily register your products with APVMA via the Excluded Nutritional and Digestive (END) Products process.
Through meeting attendance receipt of information from a varied number of speaker presentations.
Access to the FIAAA member’s only section of the website. This provides industry reports and information as well as access to FIAAA submissions to government-initiated reviews and legislation proposals.
Provide input in industry policy development and interaction with government bodies that control stockfeed regulations and industry controls.
Networking opportunities to mix and socialise with like-minded businessmen and women.
Receipt of issue updates, keeping you informed of national issues being addressed in your industry.
Involvement in FeedSafe through the accreditation of your feed milling site to the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice. This includes use of the FeedSafe logo on products, printed materials, advertising and signage.
Access to the SFMCA Executive Officer to provide advice in feed industry relevant areas of concern for you and your business.
Guaranteed access to insurance cover suitable for ingredient and additive suppliers through our insurance service provider.
Benefits of being an Associate Member
In addition to the benefits above, Associate Members gain from having the opportunity to meet with suppliers. This allows networking to build relationships and trust engendering new business opportunities.
Associate members are highly valued members of FIAAA and play an essential role in keeping the organisation briefed on relevant issues within the industry.